Why Security Cameras Are Useful

Mobile Security Cameras help prevent theft at businesses, schools, homes and other public areas. These systems can also help settle disputes in both domestic and professional scenarios with evidence.

We recommend evaluating features like resolution, field-of-view and night vision to ensure the camera meets your needs. Also consider a system with cloud storage for ease of access and flexibility.

Security Cameras | Surveillance Cameras | IA

Security cameras serve as modern-day scarecrows, and their visual presence sends a clear message to potential intruders: You are being watched. In fact, numerous studies confirm that visible camera systems can significantly reduce criminal activity, including burglaries and other property crimes. For this reason, it is important to strategically place cameras in areas that are most vulnerable to crime and to maintain their visibility at all times. Our team can help you identify high-risk locations and suggest optimal monitor placements to maximize deterrence.

In addition to being visible, cameras can also activate audible or visual warnings when they detect unwanted behavior. This proactive approach to security deterrence is known as active deterrence. For example, a camera with bright LED lights or a loud siren can signal that the premises are being monitored by police and/or that loitering is not permitted.

This type of active deterrence is not only cost-effectivebut it can also increase occupants’ sense of safety and security, which may lead to better tenant retention rates in commercial or residential settings. In turn, this can help prevent a downward spiral of property crime or vandalism and can even deter trespassing and other non-permitted activities.

As with any technology, security cameras can be hacked, and it is therefore crucial to ensure that your camera system has proper network security, using end-to-end encryption to prevent data from being intercepted while it is being transmitted. Most top-tier security camera brands, such as Google Nest Cam IQ and Ring, have built-in privacy features that protect against hacking.

As with any technology, it is important to upgrade your security camera as necessary. For example, if your camera is no longer receiving software updates from the manufacturer, it is likely time to replace it. Alternatively, you may wish to upgrade your camera when it begins to show signs of wear and tear or if the quality of its video has decreased significantly. Additionally, if you decide to install new features such as facial recognition or a PTZ camera, this is also a good opportunity to consider replacing your old camera.


Detection is how security cameras trigger an alert when movement occurs in their field of view. This allows for faster action and higher-quality evidence, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your surveillance system. Some camera systems also offer audio detection, which enhances the capabilities of the cameras when visual identification may be difficult or impossible.

The quality of your surveillance system’s detection depends on several factors, including camera positioning, the nature of the environment being monitored, and the camera’s sensitivity to motion. It’s important to carefully consider these factors before making any decisions regarding your camera system’s setup.

To know if a camera is on, you can simply check to see whether or not it has a light on its body that indicates its operational status. Many cameras have indicator lights that glow or blink to signal their active status, making this a very simple method to determine if your camera is on.

For a more technical approach, you can use electronic surveillance detection tools that are designed to sense radio frequencies emitted by wireless cameras or the electrical signals of wired cameras. These tools can be purchased at most hardware and technology stores.

Many people have experienced issues with motion detection on their cameras. Too many alerts can be annoying and frustrating, while too few can leave you wondering if the camera is even working at allAdditionally, some sensors are prone to false triggering from events such as changes in lighting or the presence of pets.

A common cause of a camera’s inability to detect motion is due to atmospheric conditions. All cameras are designed to capture a certain range of wavelengths and will be limited by factors such as weather, ambient light, and temperature. This means that real-world performance can vary significantly from what is shown in demo videos, which are typically captured during ideal atmospheric conditions. In addition, many consumer-grade cameras are built on cheap circuit boards held together with low-quality solder that degrades in high temperatures and direct sunlight. For better performance and long-term reliability, choose a commercial grade camera.


Security cameras have evolved into sophisticated tools for business intelligence. The move from analogue technology to IP (digital) cameras has radically expanded the capabilities of surveillance systems. By creating digitized video data streams that can be carried over network cabling or Wi-Fi, CCTV has transformed from reactive to proactive real-time tools for monitoring and alerting on potential security threats and other anomalies.

For example, commercial-grade cameras are able to distinguish between normal and abnormal motion patterns. They can then identify unauthorized movement, loitering, and other security threats, sending notifications and alarms to security personnel. These features can greatly enhance security operations, allowing them to take the lead in addressing and mitigating security breaches.

However, it’s important to note that camera surveillance won’t deter everyone that is intent on committing a crime. As such, it is essential that the cameras be presented in a manner that clearly conveys to people that they are being monitored. In doing so, they should instill a sense of fear that the criminal will be caught and punished for his or her actions.

Another important advantage of camera surveillance is that it allows for an objective account of what actually transpired in a given situation. This can be useful for legal cases involving disputes between family members, employees, or customers and businesses. Security cameras can be instrumental in settling arguments and resolving disagreements by providing the truth to both sides of a story.

In addition to ensuring that events are properly documented, security cameras can be used as an effective tool for reducing workplace or home stress. When employees and clients know that there are security cameras in place, they are more likely to trust the company’s commitment to their safety. This can help improve employee morale and increase productivity. It also shows that the company is serious about maintaining a professional environment. This is vital for establishing and maintaining a successful business.


Security cameras allow homeowners and business owners to watch what happens on their property from anywhere in the world. Remotely viewing live feeds is a great benefit for parents who worry about their kids while they’re away with the babysitter, and business owners can keep an eye on inventory, customer interactions and more even when they’re offsite.

Aside from providing peace of mind, surveillance also has a proven record of preventing crime. Studies conducted by Rutgers University and the Urban Institute show that camera systems dissuade criminal activity like property damage and burglary. The results of the studies are supported by other evidence: crimes that occur in places with cameras are reduced, and some are displaced to areas without them; residents feel safer in cities with cameras; and the public supports their use.

When choosing a home security camera system, consider the number of points you want to monitor (front and back doors, driveway, garage, etc.). A camera’s field of view is an important factor in determining how much coverage you need. It should be at least 130 degrees to capture a wide area and make it easy to spot people or vehicles. Some cameras have pan and tilt capabilities to see more of the surrounding area. The camera’s battery and power source is another consideration. Choosing battery or powered wireless options can reduce your cost of ownership and make your camera more resilient to power outages.

Integration with smart home products is becoming a standard for many security systems, and it can help increase their utility and ease of use. For example, smart lighting, door locks, alarm sensors and more can communicate with a camera so you can control them from one app. Some smart security camera systems can also be triggered by voice-controlled devices like Amazon Echo to display an imageor they can send alerts via email or phone when motion is detected.

Considering that cameras are connected to a network, it’s essential that they be protected from hackers. The best way to do this is with a VPN router or firewall, which is designed specifically for networking equipment to keep out unwanted attacks. Your HTA Certified installation pro can recommend and implement the right solution for your camera system.